Jamie Lister

  1. Jussinmäki Annual Lighting Test 2024

    Jussinmäki Annual Lighting Test 2024

    LED lighting expert Jussinmaki conducts an extensive annual lighting test, with the aim of helping customers buying decision making process through reviewing the Markets Leading Auxiliary LED Light Bars & Round Lamps. As we delve into the results of their 2024 test, we are proud to see Lazer leading the way in performance and quality throughout the categories.

  2. Lazer Motorsport Heritage - A Legacy of Light and Speed

    Lazer Motorsport Heritage - A Legacy of Light and Speed

    In the competitive arena of professional motorsport, the pursuit of peak performance and reliability is a constant. Teams and drivers are always on the lookout for innovative technology that can make a difference and provide them with a competitive edge. Whether it’s night rallying or endurance track racing, high-quality lighting plays a crucial role in this, as being able to navigate faster, more safely, and with better visibility is indispensable for any team aiming for the top. From Lazers founding in 2010, our lights have distinguished themselves in this regard, offering teams the very best in LED lighting technology.

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